Bria's Blog
Let's Talk About Customs
Posted by Bria Kanas on

What's the deal? Customs, they're all the rage in the leather world. Everyone wants one. Because who wouldn't love an idea turned into their very own piece of art? Customs make excellent gifts and keepsakes, and there's something special about having something that is one of a kind. Yes, we will be opening back up for limited customs on January 5th, 2022. To take customs or to not, that is the question... Why have some makers gotten away from this kind of work? I asked one to tell me about the pros and cons of custom work from a maker's...
Being Brave Enough To Suck At Something New
Posted by Bria Kanas on

Ladies and gentlemen, this is it. The very first piece I ever created, at a workshop with Double K Leather Works' amazing Kira Karpinski. You can view her store at It's terrible. Positively awful. The worst craftsmanship you've ever seen. The truth is I am guilty of destroying a lot of leather 🤣 I've had pieces I worked on for hours, only to have them meet their demise at the sewing machine. I have spilled paint on and cut through items by accident. I even once stained a beautiful piece in my own blood because I cut my finger...